HIROC has the pulse on what’s new and trending. Our aim is to share your knowledge and best practices with subscribers across Canada. Our news is tailored for you, to help inspire you to move the dial on healthcare safety.

HIROC Named One of Greater Toronto's Top 2022 Employers

“This recognition as a Top Employer is because of our employees’ open feedback, their connection to our vision and strategy, but most importantly, because of their dedication to serving HIROC’s valued Subscribers and the whole healthcare system.” – Catherine Gaulton, CEO, HIROC

Lessons from Leadership

Listening to the unique perspectives from Canada’s regions is critical to having a complete picture of our healthcare system.

Through candid discussions between leadership, organizations can gain a better scope of what’s happening elsewhere and benefit from the lessons learned, and knowledge shared.

Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

On September 29, HIROC Subscribers and partners came together to talk about emergency management and walk through a flood scenario. Here we share some highlights from the event. 

The Next Chapter for Children’s Healthcare

From November 22-26, Children's Healthcare Canada is hosting its annual conference. This event brings together children's health advocates, providers, leadership, and patient and family partners to discuss challenges and emerging priorities. As a supporter of this conference, HIROC encourages its Subscribers and partners to be a part of the conversation.

Join a Virtual Tour of FM Global’s Research Campus

On October 21, as a bonus event to the 2021 HIROC Conference, Subscribers have the opportunity to attend a virtual tour of the FM Global Research Campus, located in West Glocester, Rhode Island, USA.

Subscribers can sign-up for the virtual tour while registering for the HIROC Conference. Both the conference and FM Global event are complimentary and exclusively for HIROC Subscribers.