At HIROC, an expert team of claims examiners works closely with internal and external adjusters and lawyers to effectively manage and settle claims.

When a claim occurs, you deal directly with the person responsible for the investigation and settlement of the claim. Since subscribers are owner-members, every effort is made to arrive at a fair and equitable outcome.

HIROC has in-house claims examiners as well as legal counsel with considerable experience in healthcare. We also use the services of Canada’s pre-eminent healthcare law firms. The advice of expert counsel combined with our own 30+ years of experience in managing claims has a significant impact on reducing and containing claims costs.

Our claims management program is designed to ensure that we meet our subscribers’ needs for prompt and efficient service, reputation preservation, fair settlement of justified claims, and minimal workplace disruption.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the claims management process, please contact us at 1-800-465-7357

If you're interested in one of our education and training sessions, please submit our form.

How to Report a Claim

Report a claim using our online forms. Subscribers must be logged in to access claims reporting forms. Login and registration information can be found at the top-right hand corner of the site.

NEW for Ontario midwives: The online claims reporting form can be found in the dropdown menu, Members Portal Links. This menu is located in the top-right hand corner of the site (you will need to log in first).


In the event of an after-hours emergency, please contact Sedgwick (formally known as Cunningham Lindsey) at 1-844-544-4762.