Let’s Talk Patient Safety!

Share your patient safety project wit us for a chance to win your registration to IEA Vancouver 2021

Share your human factors / ergonomics project with us for a chance to be featured at the 2021 IEA Congress!

We’re looking for amazing stories and passionate people to help spread the word on how human factors/ergonomics has had an impact on patient safety. Submissions are open now and will be accepted until Friday, October 30 at 6 PM EST.

How do I apply?

  1. Grab your phone and record yourself sharing the patient safety problem, how it was solved, and don’t forget to tell us who it helped (maximum of three minutes).
  2. In 400 words or less, share a title for your talk, and a brief description on the patient safety problem and how it was solved using Human Factors Engineering (HFE) methodologies. If possible, share the outcome.
  3. Submit the video and written summary via email to [email protected]. The competition closes on Friday, October 30 at 6 PM EST.
  4. The jury will review all submissions and select five winners.
  5. Winners will receive a full registration to the 2021 IEA Congress in Vancouver. They will also receive an award and will be featured in a special session that will see each winner share their story in a 10-minute talk. 

What's awarded?

Winners of the Patient Safety Talks competition will receive registration to the 2021 IEA (International Ergonomics Association) Congress, plus the opportunity to share your success story at one of the congress sessions! Next year’s IEA Congress will take place in Vancouver from June 13-18, 2021.

What is the IEA Congress?

Every three years, scientists, practitioners, students and other professionals from around the globe meet to address key ergonomic issues and to capitalize on opportunities for knowledge-sharing, collaborations, partnerships and friendships. The ultimate goal is to elaborate and advance ergonomics science and practice, thereby contributing to improved quality of life.

The IEA Triennial Congress  has come a long way since that first meeting nearly six decades ago. Venues have circled the globe and touched 15 countries spanning five continents, and attendance has more than quadrupled. The most recent Congress held in Florence, Italy, hosted nearly 1600 delegates from 70 countries. Attendees share a common passion for enhancing the contribution of the ergonomics discipline to global society in a rapidly-changing world. 

A review of the Congress’ technical output reveals topics and themes that have steadily evolved to meet changing societal needs. The 2021 IEA Congress will take this trend to a new level. The theme, HFE in a Connected World: L’Ergonomie 4.0, promises excitement, as attendees consider the impact of emerging 5G and other technologies and the human factors and ergonomic challenges that are just over the horizon!

The competition is being spearheaded by a number of key patient safety partners, including:

  • Health Quality Council of Alberta (HQCA)
  • Healthcare Insurance Reciprocal of Canada (HIROC)
  • International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQua)
  • Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement (CFHI)
  • Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI)
  • Interactive Media Lab (IML), University of Toronto

Thank you for taking the time to apply! Our hope is that delegates hear your success and take that and scale it at their organizations.

Have questions? Email us at [email protected].

Winners will receive one free registration to the IEA Congress. Travel, accommodation, and meals are not included in registration. Winners must be able to cover these expenses on their own.