Get to know us Better

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Subscriber Orientation now available 24/7

Your HIROC team is at the ready to support you.

From our comprehensive coverage, to support through a claim or providing you advice with a risk and safety lens, to sharing knowledge with the goal of scaling right across the Reciprocal and beyond – Like the image conveys, HIROC is around every corner for you.

And so, understanding how valuable your time is, we’re delighted to share a new way to get to know us a little better.

The NEW HIROC Subscriber Orientation offers up a concise overview of HIROC and its services.

Whether you’re a new Subscriber or a long-standing Subscriber with new team members, we encourage you to watch and share the news about the video widely at your organization.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How HIROC came to be, its vision and strategy
  • How to file a claim and the claims process
  • Understanding your comprehensive coverage 
  • Learning how we’re supporting you on your risk and safety journey

To view the orientation, simply login clicking the LOGIN in the top right hand corner of this page, once logged in, use the MEMBER PORTAL LINKS dropdown and select "Are you new to HIROC" and click play!